

Spicy soy sauce chicken

Spicy soy sauce chicken is one of the favorite foods of Indonesian people, you must try to peek at the recipe :)

  1. Right amount of oil
  2. 500 Grams of cut chicken
  3. 5 cayenne fruit
  4. 2 Large red chili fruits (optional)
  5. 4 cloves garlic
  6. 1/2 Ginger width
  7. 4 Spoons eat sweet soy sauce
  8. 2 Leeks onion
  9. 1/2 onions
  10. 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  11. 1/2 teaspoon of powdered pepper
  12. 1 Tomato fruit
  13. 100 ml of water

How to make :
Cut the chicken into six parts. Spread garlic and ginger. Slice the onion lengthwise, then slice the large chives and red chili. Cut dice-sized tomatoes and finely slice cayenne pepper.
Heat the oil, then fry the chicken until it's half done.
Saute ginger, onion, and garlic until wilted. Add chicken, stir for a while.
Add sweet soy sauce, water, salt and pepper. Cook until the water has shrunk and the chicken is cooked.
After that, add the tomatoes and leeks. Stir for a while until it's quite wilted, then lift and finish, it's easy right?
Good luck :)

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