

Material :

  1. 20 small size tofu (cooked fried)
  2. 2 orange leaves
  3. 1 bay leaf
  4. 1 lemongrass (bruised)
  5. 1 tomato (cut)
  6. 1 tsp brown sugar
  7. 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
  8. 1/2 tsp flavoring
  9. 1/2 tsp of ground pepper
  10. 1/2 tsp salt
  11. 200 ml of water
  12. Cooking oil

Softened seasoning :
1 tsp coriander
3 pecan nuts
4 cloves garlic
8 red onion cloves
2 cm of ginger
2 cm turmeric
10 cayenne fruit
5 red chilies
how to make :
Heat a little cooking oil, saute finely ground spices, bay leaves, orange leaves, lemongrass and tomatoes. After fragrant pour the water, stir well and cook until boiling.
Give salt, powdered pepper, brown sugar, flavoring and sweet soy sauce. Stir flavor correction.
Add the fried tofu. Cook while stirring occasionally until the sauce thickens and the spices soak. Lift and serve.
Good Luck :)

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